Asian Pacific Art Institute of America


Text Box: Art Work Detail

Artist: Mu, Jianshan

YearYEAR PAINTED:    2007 

DIMENSIONS: 134x33cm

Media: and Chinese Watercolors on Gold Speckled Rice Paper


Waterfall Laughs at the Lazy Cloud (Summer)

《风起云醉山泉流》 (夏)



Price: $00.00

SKU/Item Number: MU0007

The mountains appear to be on fire as they peer up at the drifting clouds. For the artist it's depicts the vacationers at the canyon who would give anything for a cold drink of water in the heat of summer. Like paradise, the water is provided in the running brook at the bottom left of the painting.



        2007年创作于应南大美术研究院、厦大艺术学院、 清华美术学院邀请巡回讲学回来之后,创作
